Should Public Schools Be Gender Segregated?
Should schools be gender segregated? It's the question on everyone's mind. Well, not really, but it's on mine and it should be on yours....

How to Be More Confident
Let's talk about self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a common problem these days. It's mostly discussed as an issue among young girls, but I...

How to Recover from Being a Social Justice Warrior
For those of you who know me personally or have read my book, you know that I used to be a rainbow-haired radical. It's been a long...

Marie Curie Didn't Need Feminism (and Neither Do I)
Most women are not meant to excel, nor are most men. It should hardly be controversial to say that most people are average. But what...

The Difference Between Cult and Religion
In French, the world "culte" (cult) is often used interchangeably with "religion" (spelled the same in French and English). We tend to...

Hard to Swallow
"For Good Health, Please Wash Hands." I found myself staring at the sign posted above the sink in the x-ray room as I waited for the...