The Dangers of Casual Sex
Hookup culture is alive and well these days, aided by apps like Tinder and supported by mainstream media and "sex positive" feminists...

Review of "The Surrendered Wife"
The Surrendered Wife, a book written by Laura Flynn Doyle, is a self-help book meant to help frustrated married women improve their...

What Not to Do in a Relationship
It seems like whenever we hear the word "masculinity" these days, it is preceded by the word "toxic." But what of toxic femininity? This...

How to Find a Good Man to Marry
Where have all the good men gone?" many women find themselves asking. Yet they wouldn't know a good man if he bit them you-know-where.ant...

Why Patriarchy Is Good for Children
Edit: I understand that gay marriage was not legalized until 2015, however, I was unable to find more recent stats about married gay...

How to Be Happy as a Woman
Modern women have been sold a lie: a fulfilling career is the ultimate achievement and should be a primary goal. One reason this is a lie...

#MeToo: It Doesn't Have to Be You
I think that we, as mature adults, can agree feminism’s most general, stated goal is to liberate and empower women. And I think with our...

What is a Good Husband?
Some of you may have read my article, The Five Faces of the Perfect Wife. Well don't worry, I've got the male edition for you as well! As...

How to Be a Good Wife
Recently I was reading a woman's relationship advice to another woman. She advised being a "lady in the streets but a freak in the...

Everything Falls Apart When You Destroy Gender Roles
I like to keep up with what the feminists are saying. And today they are saying that "Women Aren't Nags--We're Just Fed Up". The article...