Hard to Swallow
"For Good Health, Please Wash Hands." I found myself staring at the sign posted above the sink in the x-ray room as I waited for the...

The Executioner
After my first brutal hunt, I became the unofficial animal executioner at the Webster household. There was trouble at the petting...

The First Hunt
I was sitting up in a tree stand in the forty-degree weather. The sun had finally come up and was starting to thaw my frozen hands and...

How I Tried to Kill A Streetlight
People will do all kinds of strange things for love, and the destruction of property is no exception. I asked my friend if he wanted to...

The Bridge
I never had been afraid of heights, but I thought now might be a good time to start. I was looking up at the train bridge where my friend...
How Much Eye Contact Is Too Much?
How much eye contact should you make? For those of us who are socially inept, this is one of many tricky areas to navigate. Too little...
How to Talk to People at Parties in 5 Steps
Welcome to my blog! Here I'll be giving advice and telling stories about growing up, finding yourself, and the awkward pain of being...